Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wake up

Please do me a favor and remove that ring form your nose the media controls. I try to be involved and connected but the media presentaions have become
Analogous  to those trash magazines at the check out stand in the grocery store! Start taking the intiative and demanding equitable news reporting with educated reporters and responsible accuracy.
   I watch and cannot believe the egregious yellow journalism perveyed for enjoyment and not information. Have you not noticed how reporters look like mannequins? Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect cloths, and they are idiots. I believe to become a journalist and or Anchor, you should have to take and pass a basic Civics, geography, math, and English test... Because you and I know most cannot tell you or show you where Madagasscar resides, or how to do a basic algebra equation, or to write a legible logical argument.
    Stand up for intelligent reporting, not the new reality hit of the week. America we are headed for serious trouble when a dumb woman gets air time for killing her husband... Who cares? We have a serial killer in Myrtle Beach, do you hear that news?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Five Million American March

      What is it going to take to get Americans off their butts and march on the Capitol and demand this country be returned to the great power we once were. We have become a political quagmire, where corporations, run the race and we are left to clean up. Join me July Fourth on a march on DC.  Just imagine five million of us marching peacefully through the streets of DC especially Pennsylvania Ave.... We will have speeches, speakers, music, food, and most importantly, solidarity as Americans. Together we can demand change, and stop this horrendous out of control government  from destroying the very fabric we call freedom.
      All is not lost, we can stop the egregious and avarice behavior of our politicians by starting over. Please join me...I need an organizer who is a miracle worker in getting events going. I will need permits, and all types of legal wrangling. I am sure DC will not enjoy five million Americans in its city but I figure I don't want DC in my living room.
     I want a future for my children, my grandchildren, and future generations. It is up to you, you can sit and let us do it and or you can be a part of  something that will be historical. The Five Million American March!!!! 07/04/2013....

Sunday, March 31, 2013

New way of life

     I am attempting to enter the political world and have already been questioned, made fun of and called crazy for trying,but I believe in this country and I believe one person can make a difference, it just takes getting off your butt and doing it. Will I be successful? Odds are I will not but what I will have accomplished is to show my children that if you talk the talk you must walk the walk, and that is what I am doing.
    I am trying to affect change for nurses and health care so that no one in this country is turned away because of what,who, where, or wealthy they are. I believe in an altruistic modicum of theology and that as human beings we are deserved simple inalienable rights such as being healthy and cared for when we are ill.
    Since scientist are busy slapping each other on the back for increasing life spans they have forgotten what we are going to do with all these successful experiments. Ergo the aged population. There was a time not long ago that thirty was a ripe old age, now we have a world full of centurions. Now who will care for all the aged? The scientist? The children? Hardly, since we are one of the few nations that herd our elderly into institutions of  warehoused elderly. Sad sad sad.
     I do not have the answers but I do have suggestions. So vote for me as your congressman so I can represent YOU and  not some self serving elitist corporate Capitalist. I am for you, the dogged and trudged upon. " raise up your banners and speak as our forefathers did, " do to tread on me"  and bring the Constitution back into the 21st century with a few Amendments because after all this document was written with no clue what the future would hold or produce.  So some of the ideals are outdated, but most and I mean most still hold true to this day and I will defend the Constitution to the bitter end. This is my country, not the elites, not the who haves, and not the politicians. The country belongs to us. The hard working, day to day, chipping away an existence so this country can continue to sustain itself. I will not be swayed, coerced or bribed into the political world that has become the norm.
    Lets clean up Washington, lets, start over, lets speak up and not be ignored anymore. Welcome to the United States of America, not the Separatist Corporate State it has become. Bring back the ideals of our forefathers. Join me in November 2014! Be that voice!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Doctors; who needs them

                             Health Care the new Death Sentence

    Went to the doctors today after a referral from my Hospice, because Hospice stated, "you just need pain management." well guess what the pain doctor said, "you need more surgery!" I cant help you... Thanks Dr. Boatwright!!!
   I thought patients word met something... not true, Doctors treat who and what they want and of course they are only going to treat patients they know will reap the most monetary award for them, meaning, international applications. What happened to a patient who states "I don't want more surgery!" Just the risks involved are frightening. Have you ever read a surgical consent? It has the reference to death more than once. So tell me Dr. Boatwrong, what right do you have to suggest I endanger my life again and again. By the way, (I need six surgeries, from my feet to my neck).
   I went to the doctor today because A) Hospice referred me and B) I thought pain management meant just that. But Oh no what it means is, since I cannot perform myriad  intervention procedures then you are not worth my time. By the way the last time I went to nursing school, there was this thing called a nursing assessment, where you check the patient from head to foot. Dr. Boatwrong, checked my knee and that was it. Way to go doc, you got paid and that's all that matters correct.Yep that's all.
   So again I am thrown into the cold. Please do me a favor, write your congressman and senators and tell them doctors are making a fortune off of fraudulent care and believe me I have three doctors that are going to have more regulatory agencies up their gazoo that when they go the bathroom they will poop paper work.
   I am tired of being ignored, abused, misdiagnosed thanks for that Dr. Rathbun, he waited until statute of limitations for suing him ran out and promptly threw me out. Thanks a lot to all. The great satisfaction I will receive is to know they will one day suffer, loose a loved one, die from a disease and I wish I could be there to see what kind of care they receive. "What goes around comes around"...Life's a bitch but I keep on plugging. and to all those medical care providers who treat patients like day it will be you in that hospital bed and then I will have my satisfaction when you receive crappy care and you will receive crappy care. Thanks for nothing Dr. Boatright, Dr. Rathbun and Dr. Bullion...Worthless All worthless!!!!!!
     PS Do not go to Tideland's Hospice... The nurses and social worker are okay but there medical director is a duff-iss!! Knows nothing about hospice just that pay-check from Medicare!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


been lately? It is a nightmare and we are treated like sheep...well a lot of us are, but anyway...Treat me not my ailment...Shame on you Dr. Bull-Uion!!!!!

BoJangles surfside

Thank you Bo Jangles for the best chicken....I had a little prob the other day and you handled it wonderfully...I love the freshness and of course those Bisquits!!!!